10 things I make for dinner when I don’t feel like cooking (but still wanna eat healthy)

I know this may be shocking….but, I don’t always want to cook. I also don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars a month to eat out or do take-out.

I do love cooking and most nights I do but there are certain days where I’d rather do anything but. But we still gotta eat! It’s important for me to eat in a balanced, micro-nutrient balanced way.

Here are my go-to’s when I can’t stand the thought of cooking:

1. Avocado toast with arugula and pepitas

2.Trader Joes brown rice (in case you don't have a TJ near you) plus a can of beans.

3.Dr. Praeger’s black bean burger with leftover veggies

4.Amy’s plant-based frozen meals (yes, they're still processed but out of all the frozen dinner offerings out there, I find Amy's is consistently good tasting with fewer ingredients, has a good variety and much of it is organic).

5.Oatmeal with almond nut butter and berries/banana

6.Imagine brand boxed soup over the trader joe’s rice

7.Mashed chickpea toast (simply mash a can of chickpeas with mayo or plant-based mayo - add to toast)

8.Heat up leftovers from a batch cooking session. (I am not consistent with this but the weeks I batch cook soups and stews I am always giving such a gift to my future self because it feels so nice when you realize there's a nice chili waiting for you in the freezer)

9.Trader joes soycutash, masala burger with Soyaki sauce

10.Microwaved potato or sweet potato (add cheese or plant based cheese and canned red beans and reheat for 30 seconds.) Raw veggies on the side.

What do you make when you don’t feel like cooking?