4 ways to stay consistent with your goals in 2021

goal setting in 2021

Let me guess.

You've made some bold goals and intentions for yourself this year.

I mean, could 2020 get any worse?

I used to make really lofty health goals for myself each year.

Oy, the pressure!

But, making the goals is the easy part though right?

It's the implementing and building consistency to actually create meaningful change that's the hard part.

Am I right?

When I worked as a Health Educator at a weight and health management clinic for 13 years we had a mantra:

Knowing doesn't = DOING.

And that is SO true!

Example: I know I'm SUPPOSED to move my body every day and drink boat loads of water but that doesn't always mean I WILL do it daily.


Because without a few steps in place, willing or forcing yourself to do something new, even if it's good for you, won't make it so...at least in the long-term.


Here's what CAN help: (Let's go with the exercise analogy again)

1.Creating a detailed plan down to the mundane details 

(i.e. put your sneakers by the front door, set alarm for 7am, etc). The more details you put into a plan, the easier it will be to implement. We learn through repetition so the more you practice new habits and make the task easier for you, the more consistent you will be. Why? Because your brain starts to automate the new behavior. Have you ever learned something new and then all of the sudden it feels weird NOT to do it? That’s the place you want to be and you achieve it by making detailed plans, implementing those plans and practicing them over and over again.


Telling someone (your coach, your spouse, an email reminder to yourself etc) out loud to the world or to yourself what your plan is helps you own that plan and makes you more likely to actually do it.


Recognizing and honoring that nothing is black and white. There will be some days you're sick, or traveling or something out of the ordinary happens and you can't follow through with your plan. That's when you have to give yourself grace, dust yourself off and do the next best thing.

4.Getting out of your comfort zone: (but not into your burn-out zone)

Agreeing to and tolerating a little discomfort can help you to feel confident in your growth and keep you motivated, without burning yourself out.

All of this makes sense so far, yes?

And it was pretty simple, right?

Let’s do more together.

You're probably reading this because you’ve decided that this is the year you’re going to get healthier, and create new healthy habits for GOOD.

Wellll, the lesson in this post is just one of the many things we can work on together inside my latest 1:1 / group program, Replenish.

You'll learn my 7 pillars of restoration and create a life-long happy relationship with food and eating all while healing and restoring your gut health so you can go back to feeling like YOURSELF again.

Devoted to helping you feel better...

PS. in the meantime, chat with me on Instagram. I'm opening up my DM's and would love to get to know you better. Send me a hello right here!